2009 Archives

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November 2009 (2)
September 2009 (2)
August 2009 (3)
June 2009 (1)
May 2009 (9)
April 2009 (2)
March 2009 (7)
February 2009 (3)
January 2009 (9)

Browse by entry
2009-11 - Recover the SheevaPlug - IT
2009-11 - Roundcube and default identity - IT
2009-09 - Rsync exclude - IT
2009-09 - Rid that man-in-middle warning - IT
2009-08 - Top 5 Video Editors on Linux. [link] - IT
2009-08 - Tabs in VIM - IT
2009-08 - Splitting Screen and VIM - IT
2009-06 - Internode for urpmi - IT
2009-05 - Dell into Linux - IT
2009-05 - RPM db corruption - IT
2009-05 - Setup and internal network on VirtualBox - IT
2009-05 - Booting and iso with PXE - IT
2009-05 - rpmbuild, linking libraries and md5sum - IT
2009-05 - build-essential for Red Hat based - IT
2009-05 - Xen management alternatives - IT
2009-05 - Bash startup file order - IT
2009-05 - Access Google calendar with Thunderbird - IT
2009-04 - EPEL for CentOS etc - IT
2009-04 - XenServer now Free - IT
2009-03 - Some handy tips for Gimp - IT
2009-03 - Vertical alignment of text within div - IT
2009-03 - Remotely launching applications over ssh - IT
2009-03 - "Firefox: "There was a problem printing because the paper size you specified is not supported by your printer." - IT
2009-03 - CPU Quota and priority for Xen - IT
2009-03 - GNU Screen - what a wonderful app - IT
2009-03 - Linux Virtualisation comparison table - IT
2009-02 - Allowing remote access to reverse ssh tunnels - IT
2009-02 - Apache Proxy - IT
2009-02 - yui TabView - IT
2009-01 - Incron - IT
2009-01 - Listed installed packages in Debian - IT
2009-01 - Public Enemy Sydney 2008/09 - Personal
2009-01 - copy files in Alphanumeric order - IT
2009-01 - Copy all files and folders but exclude some. - IT
2009-01 - Awk one liners explained. - IT
2009-01 - Yo Frankie! - IT
2009-01 - FOSS Helpdesk software - IT
2009-01 - Rendering Animations in Blender - IT