September 2009 Archives

28-09-2009 11:38

Rsync exclude

/dir/ means exclude the root folder /dir
/dir/* means get the root folder /dir but not the contents
dir/ means exclude any folder anywhere where the name contains dir/
Examples excluded: /dir/, /usr/share/mydir/, /var/spool/dir/
/dir means exclude any folder anywhere where the name contains /dir
Examples excluded: /dir/, /usr/share/directory/, /var/spool/dir/
/var/spool/lpd//cf means skip files that start with cf within any folder
within /var/spool/lpd

Posted by DaveQB | Permanent Link | Categories: IT

03-09-2009 10:35

Rid that man-in-middle warning

I have looked for a solution for years, but nothing could do it totally. Well here it is:

So basicly, the options you need are:

	NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes
        StrictHostKeyChecking no

Posted by DaveQB | Permanent Link | Categories: IT