August 05, 2013 Archives

05-08-2013 20:58

Setting up LVM on a luks encrypted partition.

I have let this blog go a bit, ok a lot. Maybe because I have been lazy and not documented my recent findings or perhaps I am getting so good I am know all the answers. Yes, the answer is obvious.

Today I setup a laptop work gave me to use. We use Ubuntu 12.04 on the servers here, so I figured it would be smart to use Ubuntu 12.04 (or derived distro). I love KDE and I am using Mint 13 on my desktop, so made sense to go with that. What I quickly found is that the installer is lacking any options for encrypting your disk.

Off I went to find a tutorial on this. Three main pages I used was:, and The last link is close to what what I wanted (page may be deleted, it is saying!) but I also wanted to go with GPT because...why not, it is 2013. So I will cover the steps here.


Launch a terminal and install the needed software before starting the Mint installer.
sudo -i
apt-get install lvm2 cryptsetup gdisk
gdisk /dev/sda
Setup a GPT partition table. I can't remember the command, it wasn't hard. Now setup 3 partitions. 1 will be ef02 type and only needs to be 1M. This is for grub-bios. It stores the stage 2 files to allow booting on systems that don't support EFI and do a BIOS boot. GPT doesn't have an alloated space for these files, hence the partition. Then partition 2 will be the boot partition, type 8300. I set it to 500MB. Then last will be the LVM pv, type 8e00, using all remaining space.


Next we setup the disk and partitions.
cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/sda3
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3/ system
And now the LVM on top of the encrypted partition (/dev/sda3).
pvcreate /dev/mapper/system
vgcreate luks /dev/mapper/system
lvcreate -n swap -L 8G
lvcreate -n slash -L 12G
lvcreate -n home -l 100%FREE
Then I found the installer wouldn't recognise these logical volumes unless they were formated so...
mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda2
mkfs.ext4 /dev/luks/slash
mkfs.ext4 /dev/luks/home
mkswap /dev/luks/swap


Now we proceed with the installer. When it comes time to do the partitioning, select Manual. Be sure match the right paritions with the right mount points In my example:
/dev/luks/slash (/)
/dev/luks/home (/home)
/dev/sda2 (/boot)
/dev/luks/swap (swap)
Don't reboot once the install has completed.


Now we setup the new install to be aware of and use the new disks.
sudo -i
mkdir a
mount /dev/luks/slash a
mount /dev/sda2 a/boot
mount -B /dev a/dev
mount -B /dev/pts a/dev/pts
mount -B /sys a/sys
mount -B /proc a/proc
chroot a
apt-get update
apt-get install lvm2 cryptsetup


You can check your new /etc/fstab (/root/a/etc/fstab outside the chroot) but mine was fine and didn't need editing. The next file is /etc/crypttab that needs to be created. In our example here it would be:
system /dev/sda3 none luks
You can use a UUID="840311bc-9333-47f6-b64f-a9becf3c5b1e" style entry there in place of /dev/sda3 And the next step that got me was to tell grub about this setup. vim /etc/defaults/grub (/root/a/etc/defaults/grub outside the chroot)


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cryptopts=target=system,source=/dev/sda3,lvm=luks quiet splash"
Change as required. Then run update-grub.


Posted by DaveQB | Permanent Link | Categories: IT